
Subdermal Needle Electrodes

Subdermal Needle Electrodes

Subdermal needle electrodes in various desings for reliable examinations and screenings during EEG and analysis of evoked potentials (EP).

During application of subdermal needle electrodes, it is assured that a low impedance is obtained and through lower noise of needles a clear and reliable signal can be generated.
TerniMed provides a wide varity of needle electgrode for various applications.
Subdermal needle electrodes from medical stainless steel with cable lengths of 10 to 250 cm and 1.5 DIN connector.

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Platinum-Iridium Subdermal Needle | 150cm cable

Product no.: TER-S46-638

as of 315.00 / pack(s) *
Lists price: 350.00 €
You save 10 %

Subdermal needle (13 mm) with 100-250 cm cable

Product no.: TER-101x

as of 38.00 / pack(s) *

Subdermal needle (13 mm) with 150 cm cable

Product no.: S-TER-1011

32.00 / pack(s) *
Lists price: 45.00 €
You save 29 %
In stock

Subdermal needle electrode (7 mm) | 150 cm cable

Product no.: TER-1040

47.00 / pack(s) *

Subdermal needle electrode (13 mm) | 150-250 cm twisted cable

Product no.: TER-102x

as of 48.50 / pack(s) *

Subdermal needle electrode (7 mm) | 150 cm twisted cable

Product no.: TER-1024

49.00 / pack(s) *

Subdermal needle electrode corkscrew | 120 to 250 cm cable

Product no.: TER-100x

as of 95.00 / pack(s) *

High quality 15 mm Acupuncture Needles -sterile-

Product no.: TER-700002

16.00 / pack(s) *
1 piece(s) = 0.16 €

Subdermal needle electrodes with 0.7mm PIN connection

Product no.: TER-1115

61.00 / pack(s) *
1 piece(s) = 1.53 €