Shipping usually takes place within 48 hours from the warehouse via DHL or trans-o-flex to the delivery address specified by you.
Billing address and delivery address may of course differ.
Should an item not be available immediately, you will be notified immediately.
Shipping / delivery methods
Standard shipping Germany
From the net order value of Euro 30,00, the goods will be shipped within Germany in the standard shipping free delivery mode.
For a net order value below Euro 30.00, we charge shipping costs of Euro 7.50.
Express shipping Germany
For additional shipping costs, please refer to the following table:
Working days
Until 10:00 o'clock EUR 20,00
Until 12:00 pm EUR 15,00
Until 12:00 pm EUR 20,00
Shipping by express delivery can only be guaranteed for orders before 13:00 and in stock.
If delivery by express can not be carried out, you will receive a notification immediately.
The express surcharges also apply if, according to the usual shipping cost, a shipment would be free of charge.
An international express delivery is not possible.
Shipping to:
Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria and Poland.
From the net order value of Euro 100.00, the goods are shipped free of charge.
For a net order value below Euro 100.00, we charge shipping costs of Euro 9.90.
Shipping to:
Bulgaria, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary, UK.
Shipping costs: 15,00 €
Shipping to:
Greece, Malta and Cyprus.
Shipping costs: 30,00 €
International deliveries and deliveries to Switzerland:
For international deliveries and deliveries to Switzerland, you will receive an offer for the transport costs after receipt of your order.